Went down to Macquarie today with Brendan, Zahra, Jesse, Crouchy, Foxton and Satan himself. The day started out sucking, we got hit by a freak thunderstorm and thought the day was over, and our luck didn't get any better when we ran for cover and got kicked out into the rain by security. Whats up with that?
Anyway, the weather cleared and the day got better and I even managed to shoot a few photos, which was awesome. Jamey even got buck later in the day with a "shoosh shoosh" hammer. Onya Jamey.
Anyway, heres some photos I shot in the day.
Zahra defied the rain with a nice Back Tail on his water-logged board |
Jamey and Satan being mugged. |
Zahrarhaz, Scoping the old gaparoo |
Jamey loses all his bones! Doing it for Sam! |
Brendan Gardoll, Wallride |
He's Back! Crouchy returns from Brisbane with extra steeze, and an extra steezy tre flip to prove it!